Tuesday, March 8, 2011

International Women's Day

Today March 8, International Women's Day, Congratulations, dear all women! the first spring holiday. Holiday when all the women loved, and so beautiful, gentle, tender and feminine. Holiday, when all men without exception, gallant, brave, attentive, caring and, of course, love!
One may argue about equality and holidays, for "sex". But this is before or after March 8, but today, today look at yourself in the mirror, forget all your troubles, smile and get ready for the joyous day when all around you just smile and pleasant words, gifts, friendly attitudes and a sincere desire to please you!
The woman is always beautiful at any age, any clothes, in any situation! As it only needs to believe! And best of all us women, this may persuade those who love men. And they are always with us: husbands, lovers, sons, friends and colleagues. They know how to make our life happy and joyful - they are our support, protection, support - they are part of our life, without which we could not important - be yourself.

We are sometimes difficult, we are tired, upset, angry. And the list of claims to the men in our large, but nevertheless, we still love them - such as they are. We remember our first date, first kiss, your wedding day and the birth of a child. We remember how much happiness we tasted together - and this is what gives us the strength to go on living!
Maybe not always, our life was full of celebrations and joy, but today it is worth remembering all the best. Today is a holiday, the first spring holiday. And how wonderful it is symbolic that this is our, Women's Day, because it all begins with a woman!
Lovely women - wives, mothers, daughters, sisters, girlfriends! Let today's mood will remain with you for a long time, maybe not fade and the flowers are not translated in your home! Celebrate spring holiday, and most importantly, what we - WOMEN!
Bright and happy holiday to you, good mood, beautiful flowers and welcome gifts. And, of course, love! Beautiful and unfading!

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