Many people of different faiths believe that God is one for all.
And they're right.
God is one, and his name - Allah.
By the will of Allah Almighty and the almighty world is constantly changing and moving in a certain direction only one God. Allah created the world is material, and matter without motion is impossible, even if this movement, we do not notice.
Allah directs movement of each elementary particle, and the man who does not have the perfection of God, sees in this world are few, and sees even less. Because people know little about their own history, preferring to substitute in his mind the events actually myths concocted by court historians. By dominating the will of those who deny it sporadically earlier gods, it is becoming "candlesticks" in the temples, historical myths, too, are constantly changing, so that our past is always historically unpredictable.
The earliest human-like creatures appeared on Earth at least 3.6 million years ago. On those days until we know too little to build a reliable history of man's ancestors.
According to the results of genetic research ancestors of modern humans (Homo sapiens) appeared around 140 thousand years ago in Africa, and thence gradually settled in other places of the planet.
As a result, mandatory for all living creatures site-specific and intraspecific fighting people gradually improved, became more sophisticated forms of social organization. Tens of thousands of Homo sapiens (wise man) lived side by side with Neanderthals, interacting with them, sharing their experiences and, perhaps, genetically mixed.
Neanderthals were big, very strong and brave creatures, stand up to the danger face to face. Studies have shown their remains, the majority of fatal injuries they received from the front.
Homo sapiens was more cunning and resourceful - in intraspecific combat preferred to inflict a mortal blow to his fellow weapons back (60%).
In the modern form of people formed in Europe 20 thousand years ago - Cro-Magnon man.
Notes on "reason" as the indeterminate category. In modern science of humanity, on the one hand, the widely used notion of "reason" as the distinguishing people from animals, on the other hand - not one of the people are not smart enough to give a definition of the term. Because it is not scientific, but purely emotional (as the concept of "beauty", "morality", "love", etc.), are intended to emphasize its special significance among the other living beings (including humans).
Deeply flawed and unscientific and attempts are measurements of this very complex and yet undetermined properties of living creatures as "reason" kilogram or liter volume of the brain. We know that large dogs brain is much more than small, but still no one noticed the difference in my mind (on average) between large and small dogs. Often the opposite - small and medium-sized dog is much smarter and smarter than the big ones. Similar associations were observed among the people: the biggest brain was fixed in an absolute idiot, and the brain undoubtedly many brilliant thinkers still falls short to medium volume. Just a big part of the brain is busy not thinking, and regulation of processes within the body - and the bigger the body from a representative of this type, the usually bigger and his brain.
On what stage such a long history of human society experiencing a form of social consciousness, as a religion?
Religion is a historical phenomenon that emerged only at a certain level of human development, but the timing of religion is determined by different researchers are not always the same - mankind too little was known about ancient times, the minds and habits of prehistoric humanoids.
The emergence of religion
At the Neanderthal man, the ability of abstraction markedly increased. Abstraction is giving people great opportunities for learning about the world, however, a prerequisite for separation from reality, irrational explanation ties in the surrounding world. This, in turn, serves as a ground for belief in the supernatural, ie, religion.
The appearance of faith in the supernatural in no small measure contributed to the conditions and social life at that time. Life in the Paleolithic era, as in our time, was very severe and dramatic. In heavy combat people often suffered defeat. Increasing the ability of abstraction has led to the fact that people began to look for the causes of their failures. On "assistance" came the imagination, giving a fantastic interpretation of the various important for a person with natural phenomena. Hence began a religion - it is a fantastic reflection in men's minds of those external forces which dominate them in their daily lives - a reflection, in which the terrestrial forces assume the form of some "higher" and "supernatural".
Thus, the living conditions of Neanderthal man, no doubt, greatly contributed to the emergence of his belief in the supernatural. It is much harder to answer the question: whether the increased capacity of Neanderthal man to abstraction sufficient to ensure that he could receive the kind of faith?
To solve this very complex problem is usually drawn material on the so-called Neanderthal burial.
Neanderthals, in contrast to the ancient people buried their dead. Currently found dozens of intentional burial Neanderthal era. In studying these burials revealed a number of their features, suggesting that over the corpses were carried out some rituals. Skeletons in most cases found in the burial pits, located on the periphery of cave dwellings. The dead are usually on their sides, many of whom are given a defined geographical orientation (east - west). Part of the skeletons found in a flexed position (dead, obviously linked). With the deceased put pieces of those killed in hunting animals, and sometimes tools.
Neanderthal burials are interpreted differently by different researchers. Some scholars see them as only a manifestation of poluinstinktivnoy care of fellow members of his hordes, affection for him, while poluinstinktivnom desire to get rid of rotting corpses. Others believe that the Neanderthal burial indicate awareness of social ties, the emergence of a sense of collectivism.
However, most scientists still tend to see in Neanderthal burials rudiments of religious worship. Thus, an academician APOkladnikov, carefully examines all the available literature on the graves of Neanderthals, as well as personally explores one of the burials in a cave Teshik-Tash, came to the conclusion that Neanderthals were committing certain rituals over the dead. He believed that the Neanderthals existed a cult of the dead, the cult of animal worship and sun.
This view seems the most solidly reasoned. Incidentally, a number of archaeological finds (in European caves base Regurdu, etc.) are more likely to tip the scales in favor of the assumption of the existence of Neanderthals rudiments of religion.
If Neanderthals were characterized by only some vague religious ideas, then with the advent of modern human species, having developed abstract thinking, religion has become much more clear and designed the character. Early Upper Paleolithic humans existed quite complicated religious beliefs, well traced by archaeological materials.
As for the Mesolithic and Neolithic eras as well as the Bronze and early Iron Age, then on the ruling in their beliefs of scientists have tried to judge and based on ethnography, studying the culture of the surviving pre-class societies in the isolated tribes.
But it was a fundamental mistake, because Living backward tribes are not a model of human existence in ancient society.
In fact, these savages - our contemporaries (such as modern French or Japanese), but were historically unable to follow the path of civilization. Because they went farther and farther from the developed nations in the most remote uninhabited areas. They do not adapt the environment to suit your needs, and adapt to it themselves, while remaining in a wild primitive state.
And those ancient tribes, who were able to develop and build civilization, became the ancestors of the present developed nations, a step by step, over thousands of years laying the foundations of modern knowledge about the world of culture, engineering and technology. As a result, their ability to progressive activities of mankind has been able to rise above the dependence of many natural phenomena.
This is a fundamental difference between our ancient ancestors and modern savages.
Starting from the XVIII century to the present time there have been numerous attempts from early childhood to teach children in these wild tribes of the regular program. Up to 4 th grade, these children learn on a par with the others, but the further comprehension of the knowledge provided them for the most part inaccessible. And this despite the fact that they paid special attention to the humanist-minded scientists and educators trying to prove the natural equality of all people.
Even among modern American Indians, long living in the most advanced civilization, and with the full support of the state, still has neither a single Nobel Prize winner, but any well-known scientist or engineer.
For reasons of political correctness, and we omit consideration of the contribution of scientists, "African Americans" (ie, in Russian - blacks) in the modern natural sciences and technological development of mankind.
Because modern anthropologists believe that it is better to forget about the scientific interest and leave the isolated tribes in peace.
Religions of pre-class society
Religions of pre-class society are very diverse. One of the oldest forms of religion was totemic. On the essence of totemism in science has not yet formed a consensus, and on this subject of lively debate. Many foreign scholars do not believe totemic religion. Some of them believe totemism means of social organization, others - an attempt of primitive man to classify objects and phenomena. Many scholars, without denying the great social significance of totemism, consider it a religion.
In the most general form of totems - is the belief in a mysterious kinship between a group of people, on the one hand, and for a subject, type of plant, animal or natural phenomenon - on the other. Totemism is intimately connected with the tribal system, and it is believed that this form of religion emerged as a fantastic reflection in the minds of people emerging tribal relations. Usually, each family was both a separate totemic group, and was called on behalf of the totem animals, plants, etc.
Totemic beliefs have several varieties: besides the main varieties - the tribal totems, there are also tribal, fratrialny, sex and personal totems.
It was common among primitive people as the belief in magic. According to the magical views, by certain actions, spells can be affected by any natural phenomenon or man.
A very early arose in primitive society and fetishism - worship of inanimate material objects, supposedly having supernatural properties.
For primitive man's importance was the surrounding geographical environment. Nature hovered over a man, often the person is completely helpless in front of her own. Hence the emergence of nature worships in its various versions. Thus, among primitive people was widespread veneration of the sun, earth, water. Were developed and various commercial cults (hunting, agricultural, etc.).
A higher form of primitive beliefs - animism, ie belief in spirits and the soul or the universal nature of spirituality (sometimes under animism means all primitive religious views, it is wrong). Primitive man is inhabited by spirits of the entire world around him, the souls of his ideas, have the animals, plants, and phenomena. objects of nature.
For developed the tribal system, primarily for his father's family, a very character of the cult of ancestors - the veneration of the spirits of dead ancestors, which allegedly affected the lives of living descendants.
All forms marked with primitive religious beliefs, as a rule, do not exist in isolation but are closely intertwined. However, often in one or another part of any one kind of beliefs differs from other forms. For example, in Australia was particularly totemic, in some areas of Africa - fetishism, etc.
Religion class society
In the era before the appearance of agriculture a few people then lived in a "golden age", which does not recur. They were healthy, strong, their life expectancy was about 48 years (in Russia and Europe of the XIX century - 32-34 years). In a rich natural environment to ensure the basic necessities of life they needed no more than 4 hours a day. The rest of them time they spend on entertainment, manufacturing a variety of ornaments and study of the world, laying the foundation of all modern knowledge of the world and technology development.
Recent archeological finds offer us a radically different world of our ancestors, the Neolithic - the rich, clean, refined and sophisticated and have much more time for leisure than they can afford our contemporaries.
Excavation of Neolithic settlements Vinca culture showed that 7,5 thousand years ago the company knew a lot about glamor and ornaments. Just battled the archaeologists that even fashion Neolithic was very similar to the modern.
Thus, the figures were discovered girls, dressed in short skirts and tops, with bracelets on her arms. The similarity with our young contemporary, says Serbian archaeologist simply striking.
Made during the excavation Vinca culture settlements in the territory of modern Serbia findings showed that its inhabitants had exquisite taste and love of finery. Culture is named for the settlement, the same name found in the village 10 kilometers east from the current Belgrade.
One of the foundations of prosperity settlement is metallurgy. Archaeologists have discovered remains of a complex copper-smelting industry. Start the Copper Age in Europe had to push for half a millennium depth centuries. Copper mill was equipped with ventilation - the first record of this kind.
Residents of settlements that existed in the modern Serbian town Planck from 5400 to 4700 BC. Oe., engaged in trade, crafts and metallurgy. Near the settlement there are hot springs - and they probably were the first of its kind beauty salons.
According to archaeologists, the abundance of forms of pottery (they found the 60) and the figures are not just good, but it is tastefully and richly dressed people, suggests that - figures portrayed as a minimum not only of the gods, but were purely decorative and aesthetic roles.
During the set are produced and richly decorated ceramic toys for children.
A popular image of a caveman dressed in inherited on the occasion of the skin and is afraid of anything in the world, with a real person of that era has little in common.
Residents of settlements lived in comfortable houses with hearths and special facilities for disposal of garbage.
They slept on mattresses of wool and animal skins.
Wore linen, wool, and tastefully dressed from the skin clothing.
The children had a lot of beautiful and tasteful toys - small figurines of animals, rattles and child pottery.
Kept pets.
The dead were buried in a very neat and tidy cemetery.
Recent archeological finds not only offer us a new look at the culture of their own ancestors, but also allow to rethink the nature of social progress over the past millennium.
Gradually, the rapid multiplication of people, dominate the living world, forced people to move from hunting and gathering to agriculture and animal husbandry. The era of work from dawn to dusk. Close contact with domesticated animals brought many new, previously unknown diseases. But there appeared to receive the excess product of labor, which led to class differentiation of society and the emergence of the wars to capture and enrichment.
And they're right.
God is one, and his name - Allah.
By the will of Allah Almighty and the almighty world is constantly changing and moving in a certain direction only one God. Allah created the world is material, and matter without motion is impossible, even if this movement, we do not notice.
Allah directs movement of each elementary particle, and the man who does not have the perfection of God, sees in this world are few, and sees even less. Because people know little about their own history, preferring to substitute in his mind the events actually myths concocted by court historians. By dominating the will of those who deny it sporadically earlier gods, it is becoming "candlesticks" in the temples, historical myths, too, are constantly changing, so that our past is always historically unpredictable.
The earliest human-like creatures appeared on Earth at least 3.6 million years ago. On those days until we know too little to build a reliable history of man's ancestors.
According to the results of genetic research ancestors of modern humans (Homo sapiens) appeared around 140 thousand years ago in Africa, and thence gradually settled in other places of the planet.
As a result, mandatory for all living creatures site-specific and intraspecific fighting people gradually improved, became more sophisticated forms of social organization. Tens of thousands of Homo sapiens (wise man) lived side by side with Neanderthals, interacting with them, sharing their experiences and, perhaps, genetically mixed.
Neanderthals were big, very strong and brave creatures, stand up to the danger face to face. Studies have shown their remains, the majority of fatal injuries they received from the front.
Homo sapiens was more cunning and resourceful - in intraspecific combat preferred to inflict a mortal blow to his fellow weapons back (60%).
In the modern form of people formed in Europe 20 thousand years ago - Cro-Magnon man.
Notes on "reason" as the indeterminate category. In modern science of humanity, on the one hand, the widely used notion of "reason" as the distinguishing people from animals, on the other hand - not one of the people are not smart enough to give a definition of the term. Because it is not scientific, but purely emotional (as the concept of "beauty", "morality", "love", etc.), are intended to emphasize its special significance among the other living beings (including humans).
Deeply flawed and unscientific and attempts are measurements of this very complex and yet undetermined properties of living creatures as "reason" kilogram or liter volume of the brain. We know that large dogs brain is much more than small, but still no one noticed the difference in my mind (on average) between large and small dogs. Often the opposite - small and medium-sized dog is much smarter and smarter than the big ones. Similar associations were observed among the people: the biggest brain was fixed in an absolute idiot, and the brain undoubtedly many brilliant thinkers still falls short to medium volume. Just a big part of the brain is busy not thinking, and regulation of processes within the body - and the bigger the body from a representative of this type, the usually bigger and his brain.
On what stage such a long history of human society experiencing a form of social consciousness, as a religion?
Religion is a historical phenomenon that emerged only at a certain level of human development, but the timing of religion is determined by different researchers are not always the same - mankind too little was known about ancient times, the minds and habits of prehistoric humanoids.
The emergence of religion
At the Neanderthal man, the ability of abstraction markedly increased. Abstraction is giving people great opportunities for learning about the world, however, a prerequisite for separation from reality, irrational explanation ties in the surrounding world. This, in turn, serves as a ground for belief in the supernatural, ie, religion.
The appearance of faith in the supernatural in no small measure contributed to the conditions and social life at that time. Life in the Paleolithic era, as in our time, was very severe and dramatic. In heavy combat people often suffered defeat. Increasing the ability of abstraction has led to the fact that people began to look for the causes of their failures. On "assistance" came the imagination, giving a fantastic interpretation of the various important for a person with natural phenomena. Hence began a religion - it is a fantastic reflection in men's minds of those external forces which dominate them in their daily lives - a reflection, in which the terrestrial forces assume the form of some "higher" and "supernatural".
Thus, the living conditions of Neanderthal man, no doubt, greatly contributed to the emergence of his belief in the supernatural. It is much harder to answer the question: whether the increased capacity of Neanderthal man to abstraction sufficient to ensure that he could receive the kind of faith?
To solve this very complex problem is usually drawn material on the so-called Neanderthal burial.
Neanderthals, in contrast to the ancient people buried their dead. Currently found dozens of intentional burial Neanderthal era. In studying these burials revealed a number of their features, suggesting that over the corpses were carried out some rituals. Skeletons in most cases found in the burial pits, located on the periphery of cave dwellings. The dead are usually on their sides, many of whom are given a defined geographical orientation (east - west). Part of the skeletons found in a flexed position (dead, obviously linked). With the deceased put pieces of those killed in hunting animals, and sometimes tools.
Neanderthal burials are interpreted differently by different researchers. Some scholars see them as only a manifestation of poluinstinktivnoy care of fellow members of his hordes, affection for him, while poluinstinktivnom desire to get rid of rotting corpses. Others believe that the Neanderthal burial indicate awareness of social ties, the emergence of a sense of collectivism.
However, most scientists still tend to see in Neanderthal burials rudiments of religious worship. Thus, an academician APOkladnikov, carefully examines all the available literature on the graves of Neanderthals, as well as personally explores one of the burials in a cave Teshik-Tash, came to the conclusion that Neanderthals were committing certain rituals over the dead. He believed that the Neanderthals existed a cult of the dead, the cult of animal worship and sun.
This view seems the most solidly reasoned. Incidentally, a number of archaeological finds (in European caves base Regurdu, etc.) are more likely to tip the scales in favor of the assumption of the existence of Neanderthals rudiments of religion.
If Neanderthals were characterized by only some vague religious ideas, then with the advent of modern human species, having developed abstract thinking, religion has become much more clear and designed the character. Early Upper Paleolithic humans existed quite complicated religious beliefs, well traced by archaeological materials.
As for the Mesolithic and Neolithic eras as well as the Bronze and early Iron Age, then on the ruling in their beliefs of scientists have tried to judge and based on ethnography, studying the culture of the surviving pre-class societies in the isolated tribes.
But it was a fundamental mistake, because Living backward tribes are not a model of human existence in ancient society.
In fact, these savages - our contemporaries (such as modern French or Japanese), but were historically unable to follow the path of civilization. Because they went farther and farther from the developed nations in the most remote uninhabited areas. They do not adapt the environment to suit your needs, and adapt to it themselves, while remaining in a wild primitive state.
And those ancient tribes, who were able to develop and build civilization, became the ancestors of the present developed nations, a step by step, over thousands of years laying the foundations of modern knowledge about the world of culture, engineering and technology. As a result, their ability to progressive activities of mankind has been able to rise above the dependence of many natural phenomena.
This is a fundamental difference between our ancient ancestors and modern savages.
Starting from the XVIII century to the present time there have been numerous attempts from early childhood to teach children in these wild tribes of the regular program. Up to 4 th grade, these children learn on a par with the others, but the further comprehension of the knowledge provided them for the most part inaccessible. And this despite the fact that they paid special attention to the humanist-minded scientists and educators trying to prove the natural equality of all people.
Even among modern American Indians, long living in the most advanced civilization, and with the full support of the state, still has neither a single Nobel Prize winner, but any well-known scientist or engineer.
For reasons of political correctness, and we omit consideration of the contribution of scientists, "African Americans" (ie, in Russian - blacks) in the modern natural sciences and technological development of mankind.
Because modern anthropologists believe that it is better to forget about the scientific interest and leave the isolated tribes in peace.
Religions of pre-class society
Religions of pre-class society are very diverse. One of the oldest forms of religion was totemic. On the essence of totemism in science has not yet formed a consensus, and on this subject of lively debate. Many foreign scholars do not believe totemic religion. Some of them believe totemism means of social organization, others - an attempt of primitive man to classify objects and phenomena. Many scholars, without denying the great social significance of totemism, consider it a religion.
In the most general form of totems - is the belief in a mysterious kinship between a group of people, on the one hand, and for a subject, type of plant, animal or natural phenomenon - on the other. Totemism is intimately connected with the tribal system, and it is believed that this form of religion emerged as a fantastic reflection in the minds of people emerging tribal relations. Usually, each family was both a separate totemic group, and was called on behalf of the totem animals, plants, etc.
Totemic beliefs have several varieties: besides the main varieties - the tribal totems, there are also tribal, fratrialny, sex and personal totems.
It was common among primitive people as the belief in magic. According to the magical views, by certain actions, spells can be affected by any natural phenomenon or man.
A very early arose in primitive society and fetishism - worship of inanimate material objects, supposedly having supernatural properties.
For primitive man's importance was the surrounding geographical environment. Nature hovered over a man, often the person is completely helpless in front of her own. Hence the emergence of nature worships in its various versions. Thus, among primitive people was widespread veneration of the sun, earth, water. Were developed and various commercial cults (hunting, agricultural, etc.).
A higher form of primitive beliefs - animism, ie belief in spirits and the soul or the universal nature of spirituality (sometimes under animism means all primitive religious views, it is wrong). Primitive man is inhabited by spirits of the entire world around him, the souls of his ideas, have the animals, plants, and phenomena. objects of nature.
For developed the tribal system, primarily for his father's family, a very character of the cult of ancestors - the veneration of the spirits of dead ancestors, which allegedly affected the lives of living descendants.
All forms marked with primitive religious beliefs, as a rule, do not exist in isolation but are closely intertwined. However, often in one or another part of any one kind of beliefs differs from other forms. For example, in Australia was particularly totemic, in some areas of Africa - fetishism, etc.
Religion class society
In the era before the appearance of agriculture a few people then lived in a "golden age", which does not recur. They were healthy, strong, their life expectancy was about 48 years (in Russia and Europe of the XIX century - 32-34 years). In a rich natural environment to ensure the basic necessities of life they needed no more than 4 hours a day. The rest of them time they spend on entertainment, manufacturing a variety of ornaments and study of the world, laying the foundation of all modern knowledge of the world and technology development.
Recent archeological finds offer us a radically different world of our ancestors, the Neolithic - the rich, clean, refined and sophisticated and have much more time for leisure than they can afford our contemporaries.
Excavation of Neolithic settlements Vinca culture showed that 7,5 thousand years ago the company knew a lot about glamor and ornaments. Just battled the archaeologists that even fashion Neolithic was very similar to the modern.
Thus, the figures were discovered girls, dressed in short skirts and tops, with bracelets on her arms. The similarity with our young contemporary, says Serbian archaeologist simply striking.
Made during the excavation Vinca culture settlements in the territory of modern Serbia findings showed that its inhabitants had exquisite taste and love of finery. Culture is named for the settlement, the same name found in the village 10 kilometers east from the current Belgrade.
One of the foundations of prosperity settlement is metallurgy. Archaeologists have discovered remains of a complex copper-smelting industry. Start the Copper Age in Europe had to push for half a millennium depth centuries. Copper mill was equipped with ventilation - the first record of this kind.
Residents of settlements that existed in the modern Serbian town Planck from 5400 to 4700 BC. Oe., engaged in trade, crafts and metallurgy. Near the settlement there are hot springs - and they probably were the first of its kind beauty salons.
According to archaeologists, the abundance of forms of pottery (they found the 60) and the figures are not just good, but it is tastefully and richly dressed people, suggests that - figures portrayed as a minimum not only of the gods, but were purely decorative and aesthetic roles.
During the set are produced and richly decorated ceramic toys for children.
A popular image of a caveman dressed in inherited on the occasion of the skin and is afraid of anything in the world, with a real person of that era has little in common.
Residents of settlements lived in comfortable houses with hearths and special facilities for disposal of garbage.
They slept on mattresses of wool and animal skins.
Wore linen, wool, and tastefully dressed from the skin clothing.
The children had a lot of beautiful and tasteful toys - small figurines of animals, rattles and child pottery.
Kept pets.
The dead were buried in a very neat and tidy cemetery.
Recent archeological finds not only offer us a new look at the culture of their own ancestors, but also allow to rethink the nature of social progress over the past millennium.
Gradually, the rapid multiplication of people, dominate the living world, forced people to move from hunting and gathering to agriculture and animal husbandry. The era of work from dawn to dusk. Close contact with domesticated animals brought many new, previously unknown diseases. But there appeared to receive the excess product of labor, which led to class differentiation of society and the emergence of the wars to capture and enrichment.
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